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PG Seeds Species

Chewings Fescue:
(Festuca rubra commutata) 1,070 seeds/gram
Fine leaved turfed habit with good tillering ability.  A high quality grass that withstands close mowing and wear.

Strong Creeping Red Fescue:
(Festuca rubra rubra) 1,000 seeds/gram
Fine leaved with extensive creeping habit by underground rhizomes.  It helps to produce a tight knit sward.

Slender Creeping Red Fescue:
(Festuca rubra litoralis) 1,000 seeds/gram
A fine creeping grass that withstands very close mowing

Hard Fescue:
(Festuca Longifolia) 1,050 seeds/gram
Fine leaved and low growing but slow to establish
Ideally suited to natural areas

Sheeps Fescue:
(Festuca Ovina) 1,100 seeds/gram
Very tolerant of dry and acid conditions but does not produce an attractive turf.  A grass for natural areas.

Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass:
(Poa Pratensis) 4,400 seeds/gram
A creeping grass being tough and hardwearing.  A useful component on sandy dry soils.

Rough Stalked Meadow Grass:
(Poa Trivialis) 3,900 seeds/gram
Tolerant of wet conditions and useful for natural areas.

Crested Dogtail:
(Cynosurus Cristatus) 1,760 seeds/gram
Deep rooting and drought resisting with coarse broad leaves.  Of limited application.

Perennial Ryegrass:
(Lolium Perenne) 500 seeds/gram

A relatively broad leaved turfted grass that establishes quickly.  Improved varieties are of dwarf habit and finer leaved.  An important constituent in hard wearing and sports mixtures.

All mixtures are blended at Matford Barton from straights as recommended by the British Society of Plant Breeders and the Sports Turf Research Institute.

Mixtures of your own prescriptions promptly supplied.

Suitable wild flower seed can be recommended for any given situation.